Wednesday, March 2, 2011


There is a little creative genius in all of us but some have more than others. One such person is Dottie, who was hostess for our March weavers' gathering. Dottie opened her home this week to share not only delicious lunch but also a view inside her creative genius. Dottie is most known for her lovely decorated Ukrainian Eggs or Pysanky. Each symbol and color has a meaning for those who enjoy and collect these art pieces.
Yes, Dottie does each and every one of these--creative genius and artistic touch!
These are her 'special' ones.
Her centerpiece in the front room contains wool hooked sheep
and the mantel in her family room shows off framework with wool hooking in progress--she is definitely a 'hooker' of creative genius!
She also captures facial features with her adorable hangings, using some of her handwoven fabric strips as tassels.
Dottie is not the only one in this group with creative genius--Rosemary shows off her woven needle cases that she needle felted sari silk strips for decorative features.
Antje, ah Antje! what creative genius she is! and waste not, want not is her motto--using up bundles of indigo ikat cotton threads from SE Asia to use as weft for her 'rag' rug.
A variety of blues on a background of white cotton warp--threaded for bird's eye off set of the middle--genius! It is a nice cushiony rug.
Scharine comes with her woven scarf, using her pretreadled loom (just recently purchased). She is also using sari silk for weft along with some rayon thrown between rows of sari--just touch and enjoy the feel; the drape is fabulous! A runway piece for sure.
And her small table mat is just as fabulous! A new weaver in the making.
Ah, what creative genius we surround ourselves with--maybe some of it will rub off and get our 'juices' flowing again!

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